Why yarn is so great
Why yarn is so great
Since Covid came along and changed the world forever, crafting has become cool. It was already great and now even Tom Daley is doing it. I’m very grateful to have been able to learn this skill and the joy it brings into my life.
1) Crafting brings people together
The crafting community is kind, colourful and a wonderful thing to be part of. Seeing other projects gives you inspiration, you find great new yarns (I discovered Lauren Aston Designs on Instagram during lockdown and now my life is full of chunky merino) and you meet lovely people who become internet friends who otherwise, you would have never found. It’s corny yes, but I’m all here for it.
2) Makes you appreciate your clothing more
Fast fashion is destroying the planet. I don’t care what Inside Missguided (check out the documentary on 4od) has to say - fast fashion has a bad rep and it deserves it. We’ve become very disconnected with where our clothes come from, and as fashion is so readily available there is little consideration for what happens to it once we get rid of it. Creating your own clothes -whether its by crochet, knitting or sewing-allows you to make something exactly how you want it, with the materials you like and the time spent to create something really gives value to it. I might have knitted more cardis then I’ll ever need over lockdown but I’ll never get rid of any of them and if the end of the world ever comes (planning ahead in case of a zombie invasion anyone?) I know I can be snug and cosy hiding away with the bunnies.
3) Benefits to mental wellbeing
Life is hard sometimes (especially now) and knitting for me is meditation. Now I’ve practiced a lot, I don’t have to think about it my favourite evening activity is to sit down either in quiet or with the TV and knit. Call me a granny, but it makes me happy and after spending a day feeling frazzled by my PhD, its the perfect way to reset.
4) It’s something which is accessible to most
Some yarn is really expensive but there are so many more accessible brands out there doing great things. Drops yarn is amazing- they have a huge range with a lot of colours with more free patterns on their website than you could ever make - and you can make a 100% alpaca yarn jumper for around £30 (depending on size). Stylecraft is a great acrylic option (readily available in a lot of craft shops and Paintbox yarns have some lovely cotton options. Wool and the Gang’s Crazy Sexy Wool is lovely but ideally I’d like my projects to cost less than two weeks food shopping.
I could go on, but I’d love to know why you love crafting! Comment below or feel free to message me on Instagram for more crafty chat!